We partner with Grenergy Solar to offer high quality solar systems

See our high quality installations


Why solar?


Your Investment

With the incentives available there is no better time to invest in solar than right now. We can help find the best option for you.

  • 26% Federal tax credit with additional state tax credits available

  • Grants available for Agricultural and rural business

  • Additional options for qualifying income customers


Your peace of mind

There are a lot of uncertainties in life but one guarantee we can make is that the sun will rise every day - providing us with the energy we need to run our homes and businesses. Achieve peace of mind that you will have energy when you need it. Along with a solar system, a battery back-up will ensure you have power even if the grid goes down.


Your environment

In 14 and a half seconds the sun provides as much energy to Earth as humanity uses in a day. Using a clean all natural energy source such as the sun will help reduce your carbon footprint. When you invest in solar energy you are helping to improve the environment and handing future generations a healthier planet.